четверг, 14 ноября 2013 г.

My Best Fried..!

Relationships are connection between persons. We share a relationship with our family, with friends and most important of all we share a relationship with God. Relationships can be personal, impersonal, close or distant. A personal relationship would be a relationship on your own personal time. An impersonal relationship would be a relationship with the public. A close relationship would be someone who lives close to you or a family member. A distant relationship would be a relationship you share with someone who you know who lives far away from you and you can only talk to them on the phone or through Internet. At birth, we experience our first relationship with our mother and as we grow up we will have a whole web of relationships.
In human life, relationships are very important for human survival and development. A beautiful union exists between 3 relationships: a relationship with others, a relationship with oneself and a relationship with God, our father. It is clear, God created us to live in relationship with others, so why not make the best of it. When a relationship is loving and intimate we experience God through these relationships.

My Best Frend...!
My best friend is Armen. He is very punctual in coming to school. He completes his homework task regularly. His books and exercise note-books are very clean. He has a very good handwriting. He is very polite and sweet tempered. He never promises anything wrong to others. I have never seen him losing his temper. Though he is not a very brilliant stu­dent yet he always tries to improve himself. He always tries to learn from others. He is always helpful to others in their time of need. He is very good player of football. He is the captain of our football team. He is a friend in need. He is a great help to me in my studies also. I am proud for him.

I think that friendship is very important for our life, because sometimes you need help from them. And I think that person can't live without friendship.


dependent-անկախ Sociable-communicative-շփվող Unemotional-սառնասիրտ Lucky-հաջողակ Enthusiastic-աշխատանք է կատարում առանց վարձատրություն ակնկալելու, անշահախնդիր Realistic-ռեալիստ Reserved-զգացմունքները ցույց չտվող Thoughtful-մտածկոտ,խոհուն Understanding-հասկացող Indecisive-անվճռական Imaginative-երազկոտ, երեւակայող Fair-արդար Religious-կրոնասեր Creative-ստեղծագործող Analytical-վերլուծող Adventurous-արկածասեր Idealistic-իդեալիստական

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